Govia Thameslink Railway has today announced that an agreement has been reached with ASLEF, the drivers union, to settle the long running dispute regarding the extension of driver controlled operation on the Southern network. Subject to securing ASLEF member support, this agreement means that no further industrial action is planned.
The Victoria BID welcomes this significant news. For several months the ongoing dispute has caused major disruption for hundreds of commuters from across Victoria. We are pleased that all parties committed to continued talks in a bid to find a solution – this is something we have called for as the dispute ran on. Not only did the repetitive strikes have a negative commercial impact on businesses in the area, with staff struggling to get into work and operations being badly effected, but the resulting congestion at Victoria station has had a wider impact on other workers and tourists who struggled to move around easily around the area.
Ruth Duston, Chief Executive of the Victoria BID said:
“This is very welcome news after many months of painful dispute, with commuters bearing the brunt of the disruption to train services. We are pleased that both GTR and the unions have reached this agreement and we now look forward to Govia Thameslink Railway being able to implement its modernisation programme with a view to delivering a better railway for all passengers.”
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