Boost your wellbeing when working from home

Headline Date 23-03-2020

The current Coronavirus pandemic means many of us are now working from home; which can be an isolating experience if you live alone, or a chaotic one if you live with children or housemates. To help you through this time, we’ve put together put together some top tips on how to boost your wellbeing and make the most of the situation.

Maintain regular hours

Getting up and partaking in your normal morning routine (minus the commute) before sitting down to start work will help draw a line between work and leisure time. The same goes at the end of the day. Try and set a time to finish work and turn off your laptop then go for a walk to underline the fact you are now done for the day.

Create a dedicated office space

In a similar vein, try and keep a separate space in your home just for working. If you live in a small flat and don’t have the luxury of a study, create a ‘work corner’ in your living room with a separate desk you use solely for work. When you step away from this desk then you’re no longer in work mode.

Keep moving

Regular exercise can up your self-esteem, help you concentrate, improve your sleep, and make you feel better. Don’t panic that your gym is closed – why not sign up for one of Hotpod Yoga’s live online classes that you can take part in from the comfort of your own home? Book via their website here and choose to donate to support their freelance teachers.

Look after your mind

Re:Mind, the meditation, healing and breathwork studio will be streaming classes via ZOOM. You can also sign up to private sessions. Drop them an email if you would like to book. Meanwhile, Slow Beauty London is offering free mindfulness-based therapy, via Skype for those who are feeling vulnerable and anxious due to the COVID-19 spread. If interested, please send them an email.

Keep in touch

Whether you’re using Zoom, email, WhatsApp or an old fashioned telephone, stay in touch with your team mates and maintain regular communication. It’s always good to be kept in the loop and have that face to face contact.


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