Victoria BID Public Realm Survey

Headline Date 05-04-2017

Victoria BID’s public realm work exists to enhance the public spaces in Victoria – the places between buildings where we move through to get to and from work, the transport hubs, local shops, pubs and eateries.

By undertaking and promoting on-street improvements ranging from installing Legible London wayfinding and parklets to reporting street issues to the local council, we help improve Victoria and create new, healthy and vibrant spaces for everyone to enjoy. Public phone boxes and booths are often found on pavements and we’d like to hear from you about what you think of them – their quantity, appearance, how often you use them and if there are any specific ones that you think need dealing with.

The survey is anonymous and we’ll use your thoughts as part of our work to improve the public realm.  Please click HERE to take part in the survey.

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