Winter Night Shelter Provisions at Christmas

Headline Date 05-12-2018

This winter, provisions will continue for all those who are homeless and sleeping rough on the streets of Victoria and Westminster.

The VBID Community Intervention Team will be out engaging with those that are homeless and directing them to ‘Crisis at Christmas pick up points’. From there, they’ll be taken to one of the London Hubs.

Crisis at Christmas will be opening their doors from 23 December until 31 December on a 24-hour basis to cater for vulnerable individuals’ needs. If you would like to volunteer for this great service, please click here.

If the temperature drops below zero degrees there is also a commissioned Westminster service that will find a bed for everyone who is on their list of vulnerable rough sleeper clients. Please click here to see how you may be able to help get someone into accommodation.

StreetLink is a charity locating rough sleepers and connecting them with local services. You can help by alerting StreetLink to people you see on the street via their website. Giving details such as location, a description of the individual and the times you see them there can help take someone from sleeping on the street to getting them back on their feet.

If you have any enquiries you may contact Josh Brown who is the Community Liaison Coordinator on the following email or call on 0795 4582 248

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