The Diamond Garden

In 2013, we unveiled The Diamond Garden with Buckingham Palace to mark the combined 60-year anniversaries of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne (1952) and Coronation (1953).

The Diamond Garden at The Queen's Gallery, Buckingham Palace

Adjacent to The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace, the garden’s striking skewed diamond pattern using strips of Portland stone commemorates the two diamond celebrations.

Designed by Professor Nigel Dunnett of Sheffield University and installed by Landform Consultants Ltd, the garden transformed a previously grassy area for the benefit of people and wildlife, especially pollinators. The project follows our own guidelines published in 2010 in the Victoria BID Green Infrastructure Audit

Victoria is susceptible to surface water flooding. The plants selected for The Diamond Garden intercept and trap rainfall, channelling it into the soil, or holding it within the rosettes and leaves of the plants. Low-maintenance varieties reduce the amount of energy and water required to manage the garden. Plants are mostly evergreen with flowering highlights throughout the spring and summer and the flowers are largely white, with some yellow and blue and include Narcissus, Croci, Vinca Minor (Gertrude Jekyll), and Lamium maculatum (Beacon Silver).

I welcome the work of the Victoria BID in creating this garden, which not only honours Her Majesty’s reign, but makes a contribution to improving biodiversity and air quality here in Westminster.

Councillor Edward Argar, Westminster City Council’s Cabinet Member for City Management, Transportation and the Environment said
