London HQ (Northbank BID, Victoria and Victoria Westminster BID and Whitehall BID) seeks to map out and identify gaps in emergency trauma pack coverage across the BID footprint. We will then provide free kits to businesses to bridge the gap to ensure we have excellent coverage in the area. If you would like to request a trauma pack or log your existing enhanced medical first aid kit or defibrillator, please complete this short survey. The importance of having readily accessible first aid kits capable of tackling the most serious types of injuries, such as those caused as result of a terrorist attack has been highlighted during the Inquiries which have taken place following the Manchester Arena Attack in May 2017 and the attack on London Bridge and Borough Market in June 2017. The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) launched the Publicly Accessible Trauma (PAcT*) scheme to ensure first aid equipment can be made available at any location. The BID will purchase a PAcT* for member businesses with the goal of having 80 – 100 throughout the districts. Preparing for a major incident undoubtedly pays dividends. Having an available enhanced trauma pack on site provides reassurance for staff and customers alike. If the worst were to happen, you would be well placed to aid your community. London’s unique and resilient – let’s continue that legacy!
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