Public Realm & Greening

The public realm refers to publicly accessible streets and spaces between buildings that we pass through as pedestrians. Our priority is ensuring the journey between these spaces is seamless and includes green space wherever possible.

In the short and medium-term, the public realm in Victoria is dominated by traffic, vehicles and pedestrian congestion. However, in the long-term term we believe that there is a great opportunity to achieve a coherent upgrade of the area’s public realm spaces.

Our public realm strategy, People Wanted, was published in January 2020. It updates and extends our previous strategy issued in 2015, Public Realm Vision for Victoria, and drives all our place shaping activity.

The vision, developed by BDP and Urban Flow, focuses upon creating transformational improvements to the public realm in Victoria. It’s about creating a place where the public realm makes people feel welcomed and wanted, but it’s also about enhancing Victoria as a place where people want to be. To live, work or visit.  Informed by the changing ways in which people are living, working and shopping, this includes an increasing emphasis on peoples’ positive experience of the public realm, as well as health and wellbeing, and a recognition that everyone needs to play their part in being more sustainable and addressing climate change and air pollution.

Read more about our Green Infrastructure Projects here.


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Public Realm & Greening contact

David Beamont
Placemaking Project Manager

Lewis Sutton
Placemaking Project Manager

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