We provide timely and detailed information on local news and events to all our online visitors and newsletter subscribers.
We actively market the Victoria area via our redeveloped website and social media channels. We promote our own events and those run by our business partners. Our social media channels are there for everyone and we would love to hear from you via any of our social channels.
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Our monthly e-newsletter is circulated to our member businesses and general subscribers such as local employees, residents and those visiting the area regularly. The newsletter keeps subscribers informed on any news, events and recent developments pertaining to Victoria and neighbouring areas. You can subscribe to our newsletter using the link on the right.
We proactively work with our partners to promote joint initiatives, successes and newsworthy developments in the area across different media channels including trade media and local London media.
Press and media enquiries should be directed to Kiera Ryan (contact details on the right).
020 3814 1020