Improving air quality on a local street level is one of our public realm priorities. It is vital in ensuring our area is a healthy and vibrant place to live, work, visit and do business.
Local businesses create added air pollution due to the number of vehicle trips generated (whether it’s staff coming to and from work or suppliers delivering goods) and so we really need their help if we want to seriously tackle this issue.
As part of our efforts, we’ve been working with Cross River Partnership to create deliverBEST, a new online resource to help you deliver the best outcomes for your business while at the same time delivering the best for the health of Londoners and the environment.
We’re asking local companies to nominate someone in their office who is familiar with dealing with suppliers and ordering goods and services. We would like them to visit and complete the questionnaire (which takes less than a minute!). They will then instantly receive recommendations and tips that can be integrated into your current operations. There is also some useful advice on personal deliveries.
Even though your operations are probably running as efficiently as possible, deliverBEST gets you thinking about them from an air quality point of view and may uncover further efficiencies you may not have considered before.
Use of the deliverBEST tool and our business support service is free so please do encourage your company to get involved!
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