Victoria Neighbourhood Forum – Neighbourhood Plan

Headline Date 31-10-2023

The Victoria Neighbourhood Forum is preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for Victoria

The Forum brings together businesses, residents and community representatives to work in partnership to make Victoria an even better place.  It has been formerly designated by Westminster City Council, granting the Forum powers to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan.

A Neighbourhood Plan is a land use document.  It includes policies that will be used to inform and determine planning applications for change and development in the area. There are already policies for the area set out in the London Plan and Westminster City Plan.  Having a Neighbourhood Plan in place provides the opportunity to shape change at the very local level, providing more detail on specific challenges and opportunities in Victoria. The Neighbourhood Plan can also identify opportunities for wider projects in the area, such as improvements to the quality of public spaces.

The Neighbourhood Plan is an opportunity for the community to express its aspirations for the future of the area.  In late November / December, the Forum will be presenting a set of initial ideas that your views are sought on, and which will help form the basis of policies in the Neighbourhood Plan.  To keep up to date with the development of the Plan you can visit the website and register for email updates.

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