Have your say on the Mayor’s Transport Strategy

Headline Date 06-07-2017

Transport is at the heart of the vision of the Mayor, Sadiq Khan, to create a city for all Londoners. The new draft Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) sets out his plans to transform London’s streets, improve public transport and create opportunities for new homes and jobs.

TFL’s public consultation on these plans is now open (and will remain open until 2 October 2017) so make sure you take part, give your views and ultimately, have your say in how our city is shaped.

With the city’s population forecast to rise from 9 million people today to 10.5 million in 2041, one of the Mayor’s key priorities is to encourage more people to walk, cycle and use public transport. The Mayor of London hopes to encourage 80% of trips in central London to be made by foot, bicycle of public transport by 2041 and includes proposed measures to reduce traffic congestion.

For more information on the draft strategy and to have your say, click here.


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